玄米みそ 旨味 ヴィーガン グルテンフリー とろみ スパイシー ヴィーガン 麦みそ あごだし クリーミー 濃厚 甘み コリコリ食感 酸味 海鮮 磯の香り 歯応え あっさり シャキシャキ 米みそ エディブルフラワー のどぐろだし スパイススープ ピリ辛


A new type of soup made by blending kelp miso with less saltiness, nodoguro dashi, and vegetable bouillon.
Ingredients inspired by the "season" are sprinkled.
Each item is named to evoke the scenery and colors of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, making you feel like you are going on a seasonal trip.


A soup that blends barley miso, vegetable bouillon, and agodashi with a clear color and a gentle sweetness.
Ingredients inspired by "color" are sprinkled.
Each dish is named after the color of the earth, and when you mix the soup, you can see a beautiful scene in front of you.


A vegan-friendly soup that blends vegetable bouillon with brown rice miso.
Ingredients inspired by "scenery" are sprinkled.
Each soup is named after the image of its expression.